Friday, 2017-02-10


Corporate Support

Tutorials Track

ICPE enhances the attendee experience through a Tutorial Track led by renowned scientists and practitioners in the fields of relevance for the ICPE community. The topics of interest are broad and covers the general themes around performance engineering but may also refer to experiences in applications domains such as embedded systems, cloud systems, distributed systems, etc.

Proposal guidelines

A tutorial proposal should not exceed 4 pages double column and include the following items:

  • A title and abstract (max 150 words)
  • Proposed duration (preferably no more than 4 hours)
  • Contact information (name, email) and a brief biography of the speaker(s)
  • Motivation for the tutorial (why this? why now?)
  • The link between the tutorial and the ICPE topics of interest (a sentence or paragraph)
  • Level of tutorial (introductory, intermediate, or advanced)
  • Requirements for the attendants (prior knowledge and skills)
  • Outline of the tutorial (overall goal and concrete objectives, teaching method and structure)

In case the proposed tutorial has been presented previously, it should be indicated where the tutorial has been given (venue, date) and if and how it will be modified for ICPE 2015.

Submission process

Please send the tutorial proposal to the Tutorial Chair Catia Trubiani: catia.trubiani(at)gssi.infn(dot)it.


Submission deadlines

Proposal deadline is 11:59 PM (23:59) Pacific Time on October 14, 2014 October 28, 2014.
Proposal notification is  November 1, 2014 November 14, 2014.

Authors of accepted tutorial proposals are expected to prepare a set of slides to be distributed to participants, including a bibliography pertinent to the tutorial. The camera-ready set of slides should be submitted as a PDF file with two slides per page.

Proposers of accepted tutorials will be given the opportunity to also submit a tutorial paper, which will appear in the Conference Proceedings. The content of a tutorial paper must be on the material covered by the tutorial and should be 4-12 pages in size using the ACM format. Authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism as well as to the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.